What COVID tests do you need to enter Spain?

COVID-19 diagnostic tests for travelers entering Spain from certain countries.

The Official State Gazette establishes in the Resolutions of November 11 and December 9 those diagnostic tests of COVID-19 accepted in the sanitary controls of the entry points of our country:

  • PCR test.
  • TMA test.
  • Other tests based on equivalent molecular techniques.

Children under 6 years of age will not be required to present this test.

The tests must be written in Spanish, English, French or German, with negative results in the 72 hours prior to arrival in Spain.

Affected travelers from the following countries:


Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Chequia, Chipre, Croacia, Dinamarca (excepto las Islas Faroe y Greenland), Eslovenia, Estonia, Francia, Grecia (excepto las regiones de Kitri, Ionia Nisia, Dytiki Ellada y Sterea Ellada), Hungría, Irlanda, Islandia, Italia, Letonia, Lituania, Luxemburgo, Malta, Noruega (excepto las regiones de Rogaland, Møre og Romsdal, Nordland, Viken, Innlandet, Vestfold og Telemark, Agder, Vestland, Trøndelag y Troms og Finnmark). Países Bajos, Polonia, Portugal (excepto la región autónoma de las Islas Azores), Rumanía, Suecia, Liechtenstein, Eslovaquia.


Albania, Andorra, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Bahréin, Belice, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, Colombia, Costa Rica, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Estados Unidos de América, Federación Rusa, Georgia, Gibraltar (Reino Unido), Guam, Jordania, Kuwait, Líbano, Libia, Macedonia del norte, Marruecos, Moldavia, Mónaco, Montenegro, Palestina, Panamá, Polinesia Francesa (Francia), Puerto Rico, Reino Unido, San Marino, San Martín, Serbia, Suiza, Túnez, Ucrania.

In addition, we remind you that, according to the Resolution of November 11 published in the BOE, from November 23 all international passengers arriving in Spain by air or sea must undergo a health control before entering the country.

  • Taking temperature. Limit ≥37’5 °.
  • Documentary control: «Health Control Form» through the Ministry of Health or the Spain Travel Health-SpTH application.
  • Visual check on the state of the passenger.

👉 Resolution of December 9.

👉 Resolution of November 11.