The DOG publishes the new territories affected by the restrictions imposed in Galicia, as well as the new extreme level with limitations and closure of activities.
📌 These new updates of territories and restrictions will take effect from 00.00 hours on January 21, 2021.
- Temporary closure of activities. (Public shows, recreational and sports activities, recreational, cultural and social attractions and games, restaurants, cafes and bars).
- Hospitality. Only home delivery until 24 hours a day.
- Public and private meetings. Only cohabitants.
- Mobility. Municipalities are closed individually, prohibiting entry and exit outside of them without just cause.
Arteixo, Viveiro and Xinzo de Limia.
- Hospitality. Closing at 6 pm. Only terraces 50%. Home delivery services up to 24 hours.
- Commerce . Closing at 9:30 p.m. Interior capacity 50%.
- Public and private meetings. Maximum 4 people.
- Mobility. Municipalities are closed in a individual, prohibiting entry and exit outside of them without just cause.
TO CORUÑA. A Baña, Abegondo, A Coruña, A Laracha, Ames, A Pobra do Caramiñal, Arzúa, Betanzos, Boiro, Cabana de Bergantiños, Cabanas, Camariñas, Cambre, Carballo, Cariño, Cedeira , Cee, Cerceda, Cerdido, Coristanco, Culleredo, Dobro, Dumbría, Fene, Ferrol, Laxe, Mañón, Melide, Moeche, Mugardos, Muxía, Narón, Neda, Negreira, Noia, Oleiros, Ordes, Oroso, Ortigueira, Outes, Oza -Casures, & nbsp; Padrón, Pontedeume, Porto do Son, Rianxo, Ribeira, Rois, Sada, San Sadurniño, Santiago de Compostela, Sobrado, Teo, Trazo, Touro, Val do Dubra, Valdoviño, Vilasantar and Vimianzo.
LUGO. Burela, Cervo, O Vicedo, Vilalba and Xove.
OURENSE. Allariz, Barbadás, Celanova, Monterrei, O Carballiño, Ourense, Porqueira, Ribadavia, Trasmiras, Verín, and Vilar de Santos.
PONTEVEDRA. A Cañiza , A Estrada, A Guarda, A Illa de Arousa, A Lama, Arbo, As Neves, Baiona, Bueu, Caldas de Reis, Catoira, Crecente, Cuntis, Forcarei, Gondomar , Meis, Moaña, Mondariz, Moraña, Mos, Nigrán, Oia, O Porriño, O Rosal, Poio, Ponteareas, Pontecesures, Pontevedra, Redondela, Salceda de Caselas, Salvaterra do Miño, Silleda, Tomiño, Tui, Valga, Vigo, Vilagarcía from Arousa and Vilanova de Arousa.
- Hospitality. Closing at 6 pm. Interior capacity 30%. Terraces capacity 50%. Home delivery services up to 24 hours.
- Commerce. Close at 9:30 p.m. Indoor capacity 50%.
- Public and private meetings. Maximum 4 people.
- Mobility. Circulation between municipalities that are within this level of restrictions is allowed.
San Cibrao das Viñas and the rest of the municipalities of Galicia that are not in the previous levels.