As a consequence of the end of the state of alarm in Spain, the autonomous communities will independently dispose of the different social and mobility restrictions, with prior authorization from the Superior Court of Justice of the Community.
As for those people who arrive in our Autonomous Community, they must communicate their arrival to it through the forms already established, being able to be subjected to a diagnostic test or those recommendations that the health authorities consider appropriate.
Likewise, the perimeter closure of the Autonomous Community of Galicia is lifted, but the levels of restriction by municipalities are maintained, depending, as before, on the level of incidence of the virus at all times.
Situation of restrictions in Galicia as of Sunday, May 9.
🔴 MAXIMUM: Cambados, Cualedro, Laza, Padrón and Vilanova de Arousa.
- Perimeter closure. You cannot enter or leave these locations without just cause.
- Curfew between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m.
- Hospitality closed.
- Meetings of non-partners are prohibited.
- Business meetings may not exceed the 30% capacity of the establishment.
🟠 HIGH: Coristanco, Gondomar, A Laracha, Marín, A Merca, Mesía, A Pastoriza, Ribeira and Salceda de Caselas.
- Freedom in mobility.
- No curfew, from 6 a.m. on Saturday, May 8.
- Hospitality only service on the terrace at 50% and closing at 23:00. Restaurants may close at 01:00 for dinners with reservation, conservation of customer data and CO2 meters, recommending their use also for bars and cafes.
- Meetings of 4 people indoors and 6 outdoors.
- Meetings in homes between 01:00 and 06:00 are prohibited.
- Business meetings may not exceed the 30% capacity of the establishment.
🟡 MIDDLE: Allariz, Ames, Betanzos, Cambre, Cangas, Carballeda de Valdeorras, Carballo, Cerdedo-Cotobadde, Chantada, Fornelos de Montes, Lalín, Meira, Melide, Muiños, Noia, Nigrán, Ordes, O Porriño, Silleda, Soutomaior, Toén, Tomiño, Tui, Verea, Verín, Vigo, Vilagarcía de Arousa and Xinzo de Limia.
- Freedom in mobility.
- No curfew, from 6 a.m. on Saturday, May 8.
- Hospitality at 30% indoors and 50% on the terrace and closing at 23:00. Restaurants may close at 01:00 for dinners with reservation, conservation of customer data and CO2 meters, recommending their use also for bars and cafes.
- Meetings of 4 people indoors and 6 outdoors.
- Meetings in homes between 01:00 and 06:00 are prohibited.
- Business meetings may not exceed the 30% capacity of the establishment.
🟢 MEDIUM-LOW: other municipalities.
- Freedom in mobility.
- No curfew, from 6 a.m. on Saturday, May 8.
- Hospitality 50% indoors and 70% on the terrace and closing at 23:00. Restaurants may close at 01:00 for dinners with reservation, conservation of customer data and CO2 meters, recommending their use also for bars and cafes.
- Meetings of 4 people indoors and 6 outdoors.
- Meetings in homes between 01:00 and 06:00 are prohibited.
- Business meetings may not exceed the 50% capacity of the establishment.
💻 Sergas makes this interactive map available, from which you can consult at any time the level of incidence of each municipality and the restrictions that affect it.