III Rescue Plan for freelancers, professionals and companies

Third rescue aid plan for the self-employed and Galician companies especially affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The DOG of Friday, June 11, publishes the new Order through which the new direct aid to freelancers, professionals and companies in Galicia are summoned, to support business solvency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The deadline for submitting applications is from Monday, June 14 to July 14, 2021.

Applicant companies and freelancers must maintain the activity until June 30, 2022, not distribute dividends during the years 2021 and 2022 and, not approve increases in the remuneration of senior management for 2 years.

PROGRAM I. Support for freelancers in objective estimation

Beneficiaries: self-employed, businessmen or professionals who apply the objective estimation regime.


  • activities included in the CNAE of Annex I of Royal Decree Law 5/2021, of March 12 or,
  • that proves a drop in the volume of operations of 40% or more comparing 2020 with 2019.
  • Eligible expenses: payment of debts to suppliers, other creditors and fixed cost debt incurred.

Amount: maximum of 3,000 euros.

Place of submission of applications: through the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia, by clicking 👉 here, and entering the procedure code TR600A.

PROGRAM II. Support for individual freelancers and companies with up to 10 or 25 workers.

Beneficiaries: self-employed with 10 or fewer workers or companies with up to 25 workers with a turnover of up to 2 million euros in the 2020 financial year.


  • activities included in the CNAE of Annex I of Royal Decree Law 5/2021, of March 12,
  • that prove a fall in the volume of operations of more than 30% or,
  • that prove a drop of 40% or more for the activities that are not included in the previous annex.
  • Eligible expenses: payment of debts to suppliers, other creditors and fixed cost debt incurred.


  • 6,000 euros for falls of between 30% and 60% of the volume of operations;
  • 7,000 euros for falls between 60% and 70% and;
  • 8,000 euros for more than 70%.
  • These amounts will be increased to 3,000 euros depending on the number of workers in the company.

Place of presentation of applications: through the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia, by clicking 👉 here, and entering the procedure code TR600B.

PROGRAM III. Support for freelancers or companies with more than 10 or 25 workers.

Beneficiaries: freelancers with more than 10 workers and a turnover of more than 2 million euros in the 2020 financial year or companies with more than 25 workers.

Requirements: for activities included in the CNAE of Annex I of Royal Decree Law 5/2021, of March 12, that prove a fall in the volume of operations of more than 30% or of 40% or more for activities that are not include in the annex above.

Eligible expenses: payment of debts to suppliers, other creditors and fixed cost debt incurred.


  • 10,000 euros for falls of between 30% and 60% of the volume of operations;
  • 12,000 euros for falls between 60% and 70% and;
  • 15,000 euros for more than 70%.
  • These amounts will be increased to 15,000 euros depending on the number of workers in the company.

Place of submission of applications: through the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia, by clicking 👉 here, and entering the procedure code TR600C.