The Galicia Technology Park opens its swimming pool on Tuesday, June 15.
Access will be available to the general public and will remain open from June 15 to August 31 from 12:30 to 20:30.
The capacity will be reduced to a maximum of 250 people (50% of the capacity), of which up to 75 can be in the glass at the same time.
The venue will have free Wi-Fi access for bathers and entry to it will preferably be through the mobile application , from which tickets can be purchased necessary to access the pool and the rest of the services offered.
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COVID-19 protocol
- The changing room showers will remain closed.
- The outside showers will be open.
- The locker room benches will have the seating areas marked, respecting the distances between people.
- There will be dispensers of hydroalcoholic gel and paper at the entrance of each changing room.
- Capacity control (limited to 50% of maximum capacity) with lathe and application.
- Obligation to respect social distance both in the dressing room and outside.