The new regulations and the demands of society have turned diversity, inclusion and sustainability into relevant issues for organizations.
38% of the companies that have participated in this second edition of El Polígono en Cifras have an Equality Plan, a percentage that exceeds the proportion of companies with more than 50 workers, which are required by current legislation.
The commitment to equality and its integration in the human resources management procedures of the companies in the estate is observed:
- in the processes of hiring personnel (60% of the companies have incorporated a number of women greater than or equal to that of men in the last 4 years),
- in promotion policies.
This is demonstrated by the fact that 72% of the companies have promoted a number of women equal to or greater than that of men, in the case of non-management positions. In the case of management positions, more than 80% has been assumed.
The progressive breakdown of gender barriers in terms of employment is also observed in the training plans, limiting to 4% the companies that have some training program that the personnel of any of the genders cannot access.

In the third quarter of 2021, 41.1% of the total number of workers in the Polígono San Cibrao are women, almost 10 points more than what female employment entailed in the Polígono en Cifras study carried out in 2018, thus exceeding the percentage of female employment in the manufacturing industry sector in Galicia is 11 points (which is 29.9%) and the average for Spain is 14.3 (where female employment is 26.8%).

Increase in workers with higher education and dedicated to R&D activities
As is the case with female employment, the level of training of the workers at Polígono San Cibrao also continues to grow.
The percentage of workers with higher education is 30.9% of the total (3.5 points more than in the 2018 report), is close to the percentage that the Technological Park of Galicia already has, where the percentage of workers with higher superior represents 46.6%.
The number of workers dedicated to R&D activities also shows a positive evolution, which manages to exceed 6.6% (a percentage that in the Tecnópole companies represents 12.5%).

Management positions
The percentage of women holding management positions in the companies of Polígono San Cibrao continues to grow, standing at 30.9% in September 2021 (more than one and a half points above the percentage they represented in 2018), although it is still clearly below the more than 41% that female employment represents of the total.
A percentage that is in line with that of Galician women managers, which the “Woman in Business 2021” study places at 34% for all sectors and therefore probably above that set for the case of companies in the region industrial sector, where the presence is lower than that of the set of activities (+.- 7 points below).
In this way, the percentage of women managers in Polígono San Cibrao over total female employment stands at 7% (with a growth of more than half a point compared to 2018, when it was 6.4%), although this percentage is still lower than in the case of men, where managers are 9% of the total number of employees.