Mark your calendar, because on June 8 at 12:00 p.m. we will share important aspects of the new labor obligations in 2023.
The event will take place at the facilities of the Polígono San Cibrao Entrepreneurs Association, in collaboration with ADV Group, a benchmark firm in labor and legal advice.
Topics to be dealt with
In this presentation, we will focus on three fundamental issues that directly affect entrepreneurs:
- the new labor obligations in 2023,
- the novelties in null dismissals and temporary incapacity,
- and the essential aspects to take into account in the event of an accident at work.
This knowledge will be vital in safeguarding the rights and safety of both employers and employees.
Prestigious Speakers
- José A. Menéndez Fdez.-Kelly, lawyer and head of the Labor Department of ADV Economistas & Abogados, S.L., and,
- Paloma Sánchez Martínez-Zárate, lawyer and head of the Criminal Law, Family and Inheritance Department of the same firm.
His vast experience and knowledge guarantee us an enriching and informative conference.
Sign Up Now
If you want to be aware of the latest job news and take advantage of this unique learning opportunity, we invite you to sign up for our presentation.
Secure your spot at this must-see event for employers concerned about staying up-to-date and complying with all labor regulations.
Do not miss this opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge about new labor obligations, null dismissals, temporary disability and key aspects in the event of an accident at work.
Remember that the evolution of the workplace is constant and being informed will allow you to make solid decisions and protect the rights of your company and your employees.
Join us in this unique presentation and get ready to face the work challenges of the future!