Experts of the Civil Guard instructed the companies of the polygon on cybersecurity
During the conference, the risks of crimes such as fraud or identity theft were discussed.
During the conference, the risks of crimes such as fraud or identity theft were discussed.
Polígono San Cibrao is experiencing a trend towards a balance between female and male employment, with a higher percentage than Galicia and Spain.
The Association makes a firm commitment to training after its Integrated Employment Program offered more than 1,200 hours in 25 courses and achieved more than 50% job placement.
This work will update the report “The Polygon in Figures” that was made in 2018, when more than 40,000 data had been collected and analyzed.
The Camino de Santiago makes its way through the Polígono San Cibrao.
The interurban bus from Ourense to Polígono San Cibrao changes its schedules and stops in the business environment.
La tecnópole inicia su temporada de piscina bajo rigurosas normas anti-COVID.
The Goods Station in Polígono San Cibrao, key in the development of the most important business center in the province of Ourense.