New restrictive measures in Galicia
The new restrictions that affect the Galician community have been published in the DOG from 00:00 on Friday, February 26.
The new restrictions that affect the Galician community have been published in the DOG from 00:00 on Friday, February 26.
Modification of the restrictions imposed in Galicia, since last January 27, for the prevention of coronavirus.
Controls at the border with Portugal are activated and the limitation of flights and ships between the United Kingdom and Spain is extended.
The clinical committee of Galicia closes the hotel business and restricts social gatherings only to cohabitants.
Galicia increases its level of restrictions, throughout the community, in the face of the unstoppable spread of the coronavirus.
Modified los territorios cuyos viajeros deberán comunicar su entrada en Galicia.
The municipalities with restrictions on the mobility of people are expanded and the new price for disposable masks is set.
Obligatory proves diagnosis for SARS-CoV-2 with negative result for those viaxeiros from certain countries.