If you are looking for an opportunity to improve your skills and increase your employability, you have come to the right place! At the Polígono San Cibrao Business Association , we are committed to your success and that is why we announce our next training courses in Oxygas and Mig Mag Welding and Plumbing and Heating Operations – Domestic Air Conditioning .
These courses also have scholarships for the unemployed that can help you overcome any barrier; whether you use public transportation or have your own vehicle, if you have a disability, take care of children under 12 years of age or are a victim of gender violence.
Here we give you all the details you need to know:
Oxygas and Mig Mag Welding

Recipients : Unemployed people registered in the office of the Public Employment Service of Galicia.
Duration : 678 hours.
Dates : November 15, 2023 to June 10, 2024.
Hours : 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Place : Polígono San Cibrao Business Association.
Requirements : ESO Graduate Degree or 2nd year BUP Degree or Level 1 Professional Certificate Degree from the same family.
Internships : You will have the opportunity to do internships in companies, giving you real experience in the world of work.
Training Modules :
- FCOXXX26. Basic occupational risk prevention.
- MF0098. Welding and thermal spraying by oxygas.
- MF0101. Arc welding under protective gas with consumable electrode.
- FCOO03. Job insertion, environmental awareness and gender equality.
- FCOXXX24. Training for equality.
Practical training in a welding workshop classroom, equipped with machinery and tools.
Plumbing and Heating Operations – Domestic Air Conditioning

Recipients : Unemployed people registered in the office of the Public Employment Service of Galicia.
Duration : 558 hours.
Dates : November 16, 2023 to April 18, 2024.
Hours : 8:50 – 1:50 p.m.
Place : Polígono San Cibrao Business Association.
Internships : As in the welding course, you will have the opportunity to do internships in companies, which will provide you with valuable practical experience.
Training modules:
- FCOXXX26. Basic occupational risk prevention.
- MF1154. Installation of pipes.
- MF1155. Installation and maintenance of toilets and air conditioning elements.
- FCOO03. Job insertion, environmental awareness and gender equality.
- FCOXXX24. Training for equality.
Practical training in a plumbing workshop classroom, equipped with machinery and tools.
At the Polígono San Cibrao Business Association, we want to provide you with the necessary tools to boost your career and your work life.
Don’t miss this opportunity to invest in your professional future!
For more information or to pre-register, contact us today!